TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0013 00
0013 00-11
15. Dress the top gores by pulling gently while moving to the lower lateral band. The canopy is now at a
left fold.
16. Dress the lower lateral band. Dress each gore section on the lower lateral band, working from
bottom to top of the left group. Repeat the procedure for the right side.
17. This completes the flatfold of the canopy.
Count gore edges to be sure that 12 are in each group.
18. Raise the top radial line and check for a clear channel between the two groups of gores.
19. Perform a rigger check (2nd).
After flatfold, the canopy is ready for longfolding. Proceed as follows:
1. Grasp the right group of gores at the outermost edge of the skirt and fold them 180 degrees over the
radial seam approximately 2-inches. Secure with a packing weight.