TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0033 00
0033 00-4
9. Upon completion of the accordion folding process, place the folded parachute assembly in a suitable
type container for storage.
Rigger Rolling. Personnel parachute assemblies will be rigger rolled prior to being sent to or returned
from a parachute repair activity. This allows for ease of handling and prevents suspension line
entanglement. Rigger roll a parachute as follows:
1. Place the parachute in proper layout and apply partial tension.
2. Grasp the right and left suspension line groups. Using a flat circular motion, flip each of the two gore
groups up and to the center radial seam. Tighten each gore group roll by hand; bring both rolled gore
groups to gather at the center radial seam.
3. Release tension and disconnect the canopy vent from the vent apex lock.
4. Secure the T-10R pilot chute by folding the frame downward and wrapping the pilot chute suspension
lines around the canopy.
5. Secure the MIRPS pilot chute with bridle by neatly S-folding the canopy and wrapping the bridle line
around the canopy.
6. Fold the canopy vent down between the rolled gore groups to a point within 18-inches of the canopy
skirt lower edge.
7. Depending on the type of parachute, place the 3-foot 5-inch pilot chute horizontally across the canopy
vent. If applicable, place the 5-foot pilot parachute over the canopy vent.