TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0006 00
0006 00-2
The T-10R and the MIRPS will be repacked at a 120-day interval in climatic category 7 and 8 (see note).
The MIRPS requires a minimum ripcord pull test IAW WP 0031 00.
Drop-Testing Criteria. Drop testing of the T-10R and MIRPS consist of physically airdropping the item
from an aircraft in flight. The drop test is used as a means of providing the serviceability of an item or
checking parachute rigger proficiency and will only be performed under the supervision of qualified
parachute rigger personnel who satisfy the supervisory requirements outlined in AR 750-32. Drop-testing
usually will be conducted by an activity responsible for the inspection and maintenance of airdrop
equipment. The criteria required to accomplish a drop test is as follows:
1. A reserve personnel parachute will be drop-tested through use of dummy only.
2. When drop-testing the reserve personnel parachute, the weight of the dummy will be proportionate
with the standard design load. In addition, the drop test will be conducted under conditions, which are
consistent with the requirements for a personnel jump.
3. During the drop test the deployment of the parachute will be thoroughly monitored and observed to
detect any indication of malfunction or defect. A subsequent record of the drop test will be entered
into the log record book.
4. Any reserve parachute that indicates any evidence of malfunction or defect during or after a drop test
will be disposed of as prescribed in WP 0010 00.
5. A reserve parachute that does not reflect evidence of malfunction or defect upon completion of a drop
test will be administered a technical/rigger-type inspection as outlined in WP 0010 00. If serviceable,
the item may remain in use.