TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0012 00
0012 00-16
3. Slide pack toward canopy apex with left hand until the loop around the forefinger can be placed on
lower right corner of pack. Cinch lines below forefinger with remaining fingers of right hand. Grasp
retainer band at lower right corner of pack with thumb and forefinger of left hand, and press retainer
band over looped lines and knuckles of right hand. Withdraw right hand from band and lines,
securing first stow.
4. Grasp first line stow and lower edge of pack with left hand and apply tension to suspension lines.
Grasp lines with thumb and forefinger of right hand at upper right corner of pack and grip corner of
pack with fingers. Cross left hand over right forearm and grasp lines with thumb and forefinger one
pack length from right hand.
5. Slide pack one pack length toward canopy with right hand, allowing lines to form loop around each