ARMY TM 10-1670-271-23&P
AIR FORCE TO 14D1-2-464-2
2-24. Radial Seam.
This task covers:
Personnel Required:
Basting Needle, Item 18, Appendix B
43E(10) Parachute Rigger
Knife, Item 13, Appendix B
Sewing Machine, Light Duty (Table 2-2)
Equipment Condition:
Shears, Item 28, Appendix B
Parachute canopy laid out on table.
Cloth, Parachute, Nylon 1.1 oz, Item 11,
Appendix D
Group No 01, MAC, Section II,
Thread, Nylon, Item 50/51, Appendix D
Appendix B
Thread, Cotton, Item 52, Appendix D
Thread, Nylon, Item 53, Appendix D
The radial seam is repaired by patching. There is no limit to the length of a miscellaneous patch made on a
canopy radial seam. In addition, a radial seam may be patched on both the inside and the outside of a canopy,
as required. Patch a damaged radial seam as follows.
a Place the canopy on a repair table with the damaged side of the radial seam facing up.
b As required, cut the applicable stitching to remove or lay aside items which may interfere with
the patching process.
c. Smooth the canopy material surrounding the damaged area and secure the undamaged
portion of the seam to the table with pushpins. Do not pin the damaged area of the seam.
d. Using the same type material as In original canopy construction, cut a rectangular patch 3 1/2
inches wider and 4 inches longer than the damaged area. If one piece of material is not long
enough to achieve the cited size, join additional pieces of cut material with 1/2-inch-wide
lapped seams.
e. Fold the patch material lengthwise and aline the raw edges.
f. Center and secure radial seam patch material over the damaged area with push pins. Fold
under 1/2 inch on each side of the new patch material and secure each side with pins.
g. Fold under 1 Inch at each end of the new patch material and secure with pins. Baste both
sides of the new patch to the canopy using the procedures in paragraph 2-17a..
h. Remove the pins securing the canopy to the repair table. Secure the patch to the radial seam
by stitching, using the procedures. In paragraph 2-17b and the stitching specifics outlined in
tables 2-2 and 2-3. The patch will be secured with four rows of stitching (figure 2-85).