ARMY TM 10-1670-271-23&P
AIR FORCE TO 14D1-2-464-2
Figure 2-119. Splicing Pack Tray Edge Binding.
(b) Fold each end under 1/4 inch, center binding over damaged area, and stitch in place using a
medium duty sewing machine, nylon thread, size E and 7 to 11 stitches per inch. Overstitch
ends of splice at least 1/2 inch.
b. Replacement. Replace components of pack tray as follows:
(1) Pack tray. Remove unserviceable pack tray and replace with a new one from stock as follows:
(a) Unsnap the diagonal and horizontal backstrap keepers and remove pack tray.
(b) Place harness on new pack tray. Place diagonal and horizontal backstrap keepers over the
backstraps and under the retainers and snap the keepers (figure 2-120).
(2) Backstrap retainers. Replace as follows:
(a) Cut stitching and remove damaged horizontal backstrap retainer and loose threads.
(b) Cut an 11 1/2-inch length of Type XVII nylon webbing for horizontal backstrap retainer
(c) Position new retainer 1 3/8 inches above the binding tape and both edges even with the
stitches on each side (figure 2-121).
(d) Sew the retainer in place using a heavy duty sewing machine, size 3 nylon thread and 5 to 8
stitches per inch with two 1 5/8-inch and one 3 1/2-inch box X stitch formation with a double
row on each end.
(e) Cut stitching and remove damaged diagonal backstrap retainer and loose threads.
(f) Cut a 6-inch length of Type XVII nylon webbing for each diagonal backstrap retainer to be
Change 2 2-163