ARMY TM 10-1670-271-23&P
AIR FORCE TO 14D1-2-464-2
The pack-in-process inspector must be an E-5 in grade with 2 years of parachute packing
experience or an E-4 (Promotable) with 2 years packing experience. The E-4 in-process
inspector must be granted a waiver which must be initiated by the air drop systems technician
and approved by the first 0-6 in the chain of command.
Pack-n-process inspection. A pack-in-process inspection must be performed by a designated
supervisory rigger, other than the packer, at seven intervals in the packing procedure. The inspection is
performed to insure that the parachute is packed according to authorized packing procedures (refer to
paragraph 2-13).
Orientation. Throughout this manual, all directions (right, left, upper, lower, top, bottom, clockwise,
and counterclockwise) are given from the rigger's point of view, as the rigger stands at the tension plate end of
the packing table facing the apex-hook end of the table (figure 2-10).
Top, that portion of the equipment that is farthest from the packing table surface.
Bottom, that portion of the equipment that is nearest to the packing table surface.
Preparing Parachute for Proper Layout. Prepare the parachute as follows:
Place packing tools in convenient locations on the packing table.
Lay the canopy assembly lengthwise on the packing table, and attach the canopy to the
packing table apex hook (figure 2-11).
Removing Tangle-s/Twists from Apex Lines. Remove tangles or twists from the apex lines as
Locate radial tape 30 at lower lateral band and follow it to apex line 30, removing turns from
the canopy.
Continue tracing apex line 30 to the bridle loop, removing any tangles/twists by rotating bridle
loop until lines are in proper location.
Removing Inversion. To remove an inversion, proceed as follows:
Remove the canopy from the apex hook, pass the apex down through the canopy (A, figure 2-
Bring the canopy out the skirt between two adjacent suspension lines (B, figure 2-12).
Reattach the canopy to the apex hook after the inversion is removed.
Locating Suspension Lines. To properly locate suspension lines, proceed as follows:
Suspension lines 1 thru 30 are divided into two groups, 1 to 15 in left group and 16 thru 30 in
right group.
Locate the top center gore of the canopy and divide the suspension lines into the left and right
groups (refer to figure 1-2).
Place a packing weight around the right group of lines and move the weight toward the risers,
checking for turns, tangles and twists.
Change 3 2-27