TM 10-1670-272-23&P 0031 00
0031 00-13
e. To assemble, position the lever on the female fitting and align the assembly pinholes.
The slide must be retracted slightly to permit the legs of the lever to
straddle slide forward of the slide ears.
Insert the triangular tongue of the actuator into the slot in the top of the lever. Position the
triangular hole over the bent ears of the lever by moving the triangle forward. Holes of the
actuator legs will fall in approximate alignment with the lever and the female fitting assembly
g. Insert the assembly pin through one leg of the actuator and lever pinholes. The assembly pin is
inserted so the pinhead is in the down position when the assembly is mounted on the holding tool.
Position the safety clip-engaging hinge between the shoulders on the underside of the female
fitting. Push the assembly pin through the hinge and the opposite leg holes. All parts are now
engaged and pivoting on the assembly.
h. Replace die No. 1 with die No. 2 and re-engage the female fitting onto the holder. Insert the
washer on the assembly pin with the punch flare pin end by applying light taps with the hammer.