TM 10-1670-272-23&P 0045 00
0045 00-4
H -
General support is the lowest level that can do
complete repair of the item.
L -
Specialized repair activity (designate the
specialized repair activity) is the lowest level that
can do complete repair of the item.
D -
Depot is the lowest level that can do complete
repair of the item.
Z -
Non-repairable. No repair is authorized.
B -
No repair is authorized. (No parts or special tools
are authorized for the maintenance of a B-coded
item.) However, the item may be reconditioned by
adjusting, lubricating, etc., at the user level.
Recoverability code. Recoverability codes are assigned to items to indicate the disposition action on
unserviceable items. The recoverability code is entered in the fifth position of the SMR code as follows:
Z -
Non-repairable item. When unserviceable,
condemn and dispose of the item at the level of
maintenance shown in the 3rd position of the
SMR Code.
O -
Repairable item. When uneconomically
reparable, condemn and dispose of the item at
organizational or aviation unit level.
F -
Repairable item. When uneconomically
repairable, condemn and dispose of the item at
the direct support or aviation intermediate level.
H -
Repairable item. When uneconomically
repairable, condemn and dispose of the item at
the general support level.
D -
Repairable item. When beyond the lower level
repair capability, return to depot. Condemnation
and disposal of item not authorized below depot