TM 10-1670-272-23&P 0009 00
0009 00-2
1. After the parachute is placed in proper layout.
2. After the gores are folded and the flatfold is completed.
3. After the canopy is longfolded and the breakcord is tied.
4. After the deployment bag is closed (first regular stow).
5. After the suspension lines are stowed.
6. After the pack tray is closed.
7. After the static line is stowed.
Perform inspection as follows:
1. Overall inspection. An overall inspection will be made on the MC1-1B/MC1-1E parachute to ascertain
the following:
U.S. Navy utilizes NAVWPNCEN or NAWCWPNS CL /3512/11,
Parachute History Record.
a. Log record/parachute inspection data pocket and form. As applicable, inspect the assembly log
record parachute inspection data pocket to ensure the Army Parachute Log Record (DA Form
3912 and AFTO 391) is enclosed and properly attached as prescribed in WP 0003 00 (Installing
Attached Tie). Further, remove the log record from the pocket and evaluate the recorded entries
(WP 0003 00). Inspect and evaluate as follows:
The Army Parachute Log Record, DA Form 3912, and AFTO 391
are history-type maintenance documents that accompany the
parachute canopy and pack tray assemblies through the period of
service of the individual assembly. The log record provides a means
of recording maintenance actions performed on a parachute canopy
assembly. Normally, a log record is initiated and attached to a right
rear riser upon receipt by a using unit. However, if the item is
subjected to alteration or modification by a maintenance activity
during the interim period from date of manufacture to receipt by a
using unit, the log record will be prepared by the activity performing
the maintenance function. Once initiated, a log record will be
attached to, and contained in, an affixed parachute log record/
inspection data pocket, until such time as the parachute canopy
assembly is destroyed or rendered unfit for further use or repair.
Additionally, should an item that requires a log record, be transferred
from one unit to another, the log record for the parachute assembly
will accompany the item in the transfer action.