ARMY TM 10-1670-275-23&P
AIR FORCE TO 13C5-25-2
2-38. Deployment Bag Tie Loop.
This task covers:
a. Repair
b. Replace
Equipment Condition:
Knife, Item 4, Appendix B
Inspected (paragraph 2-9)
Sewing Machine, Light Duty (Table 2-2)
Cleaned (paragraph 2-11)
Laid out on work table
Thread, Nylon, Size E, Item 29/30,
Appendix D
Group No. 0204, MAC, Section II,
Webbing, Cotton, Type 11, 1-inch,
Appendix B
Item 37, Appendix D
Personnel Required:
43E(10) Parachute Rigger
a. Repair. Stitch and restitch with thread which matches the color of the original stitching, when
possible. Lock all straight stitching by backstitching at least 1/2 inch. Restitch by overstitching each end of the
stitch formation by 1/2 inch. Restitch directly over the original stitching, following the original stitch pattern as
closely as possible.
b. Replacement. Replace a damaged or missing tie loop by fabricating as follows:
(1) If applicable, remove a damaged tie loop by cutting stitching at point of loop attachment to
deployment bag.
(2) Cut a cinch length of 1-inch cotton webbing and wax ends.
(3) Form the replacement tie loop according to original construction details and details in figure 2-79.
Position formed replacement loop in original tie loop location and secure loop by stitching according
to original construction details (figure 2-79). Use a light duty sewing machine, size E nylon thread, 7
to 11 stitches per inch.