ARMY TM 10-1670-275-23&P
AIR FORCE TO 13C5-25-2
2-41. Storage (cont).
(7) All available materials handling equipment should be used as much as possible in the handling of
air delivery items.
(8) Periodic rotation of stock, conversion of available space, proper housekeeping policies, and strict
adherence to all safety regulations will be practiced at all times.
c. Storage Specifics for Parachutes. In addition to the storage requirements stipulated in subparagraph
b. above, the following is a list of specifics which must be enforced when storing parachutes:
(1) Except for those assemblies required for contingency operation, parachutes will not be stored in a
packed configuration.
(2) Stored parachute assemblies will be secured from access by unauthorized personnel.
(3) A parachute which is in storage, and is administered a cyclic repack and inspection, will not be
exposed to incandescent light or indirect sunlight for a period of more than 36 hours. In addition,
exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided entirely.
2-42. In-Storage Inspection.
a. General Information. An in-storage inspection is a physical check conducted on a random sample of
air delivery equipment which is located in storage.
b. Intervals. Parachutes in storage will be inspected at least semiannually and at more frequent intervals
if prescribed by the local parachute maintenance officer.
c. Inspection. Inspect to insure that the parachute is ready for issue.
(1) Check the parachute for proper identification.
(2) Check that no damage or deterioration has been incurred.
(3) Ensure that all modifications or similar requirements have been completed.
(4) Check the adequacy of the storage facilities; efforts taken to control pests and rodents; and
protection against unfavorable climatic conditions.
2-43. Shipment.
a. Initial Shipment. The initial packaging and shipping of air delivery equipment is the responsibility of
item manufacturers who are required to comply with federal and military packaging specifications as stipulated
in contractual agreements. Air delivery equipment is normally shipped to depot activities by domestic freight or
parcel post, packaged to comply with overseas shipping requirements. Except for those air delivery items
which are unpackaged and subjected to random inspections or testing by a depot activity, air delivery
equipment received by a using unit will be contained In original packaging materials.