ARMY TM 10-1670-279-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-27-2
Figure 2-58. Replacement Retainer Line Construction Details.
Pass the cord end marked at 4, 9, and 13 1/2 inches through retainer line attaching
loop on bag inside and center loop between 4- and 9-inch marks (figure 2-59).
Insert a splicing aid into cord casing at the 13 1/2-inch mark and work splicing aid through
cord casing to outside at 9-inch mark.
Attach tapered cord end nearest 4-inch mark to splicing aid and work aid back through cord
casing until 4- and 9-inch marks are alined.
Hold alined marks together and work splicing aid and tapered cord end to outside at 13 1/2-
inch mark.
Remove tapered cord end from splicing aid. While holding alined 4- and 9-inch marks
together, stretch cord length allowing tapered cord end to recede inside cord casing.
Secure formed line loop by stitching a 3/16-inch wide by 2-inch long row of double-throw
zig-zag stitching according to details in figure 2-58, using size FF nylon thread, 7 to 11
stitches per inch.
Cut a 12-inch length of 1 1/2-inch wide, type I cotton tape and wax the ends in accordance
with para. 2-19.
Fold tape length in half lengthwiseand aline edges. Secure alined edges by stitching a 12-
inch long row of stitching, 1/8 inch in from alined edges using a light-duty sewing machine
and size E nylon thread. Stitching will be 7 to 11 stitches per inch.
Pass cord length free end through buffer made in (11), above, and locate buffer between
4- and 17-inch marks.