ARMY TM 10-1670-279-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-27-2
2-13. Inspection (cont).
(1) Item requiring repair or modification. An air delivery item which requires repair or modification will be tagged in
accordance with DA PAM 738-751. Subsequent work on the item will be performed at the maintenance level specified
for the maintenance function in the applicable supporting technical publication.
(2) Parachutes with exhausted age or service life. Any parachute component or air delivery equipment whose age
or service life has expired as specified in TB 43-0002-4 will be removed from service, condemned and tagged as
prescribed by DA PAM 738-751.
(3) Disposition of condemned air delivery equipment. Condemned equipment, other than fatality parachutes, will
be removed from service and disposed of in accordance with current directives listed in Appendix A of this manual.
(4) Rejected equipment. Equipment which, prior to use, is deemed unserviceable for use will be reported in an
EIR in accordance with DA Pam 738-750, as authorized by AR 750-1. Each applicable item which is defective will be
held and safeguarded pending receipt of disposition Instructions from the National Maintenance Point (NMP). In all
instances, EIR exhibit material will be handled as prescribed in DA Pam 738-750. If the quality or the serviceability of an
item is questionable, clarification and assistance may be obtained by contacting Commander, US Army Troop Support
and Aviation Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN: AMSTR-QT, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St Louis, Missouri 63120.
(5) Equipment of doubtful serviceability. Equipment which has had previous use and has not exceeded normal fair
wear or aging criteria, but of which further serviceability is doubtful, will be tagged as prescribed in TB 750-126. In
addition, the equipment will be reported in an EIR in accordance with DA Pam 738-750 and AR 750-1. The item(s) in
question will be held as EIR exhibit material as outlined in DA Pam 738-750 pending receipt of disposition instructions
from the NMP. A maintenance activity holding EIR exhibit material will not tamper with the applicable item(s) or make
any attempt to ascertain cause factors. Unnecessary handling of EIR exhibit material may disturb or alter peculiar
aspects of the affected item(s) which might affect the judgment of engineering personnel who have the responsibility for
final evaluation of EIR actions.
(6) Equipment immersed in salt water. Any air delivery item constructed from cotton material that has been
immersed in salt water will be condemned. Cotton thread used for tacking and sewing on nylon parachute packs which
have been immersed in salt water will only be replaced when there is visible evidence of deterioration such as extreme
discoloration or indications of broken thread. Any air delivery equipment constructed of nylon or rayon material that has
been immersed in salt water in excess of 24 hours will be condemned. Additionally, any nylon or rayon air delivery item
that has been immersed in salt water for a period less than 24 hours, but which cannot be rinsed within 48 hours after
recovery will also be condemned. However, if the cited time limitations can be met, then immediately upon recovery,
suspend or elevate the recovered equipment in a shaded area and allow the item(s) to drain for at least 5 minutes. Do
not attempt to wring the equipment fabric or the suspension lines. Within 48 hours after recovery, under the supervision
of a qualified parachute rigger (43E), rinse the recovered equipment as indicated in paragraph 2-12e.