TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0011 00
0011 00-46
c. Secure each end and the middle of the suspension line wrap with one turn single ticket No. 8/4 cotton
orange thread.
d. Secure each thread end with a surgeons knot and locking knot.
e. Trim tie ends to 2-inches.
25. Stowing the suspension lines and suspension risers.
a. Extend the running end of the suspension lines and center line to the upper right corner of the
deployment bag.
b. Measuring to the right edge of the stowage compartment, form the first suspension line stow by
making a loop in the lines.
c. Secure the first suspension line stow to the upper right outside strap loop using the first stow tie.
d. Secure the stow tie with a surgeons knot and locking knot.
e. Rigger check number 5.
Extend the running end of the suspension lines across the deployment bag to the upper left corner of
the deployment bag.
g. Measuring to the left edge of the stowage compartment, form the second suspension line stow by
making a loop in the lines.
h. Secure the second suspension line stow to the upper left outside strap loop using the first stow tie.
Secure the stow tie with a surgeons knot and locking knot.