TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0024 00
0024 00-2
4. The tack will be made by passing the tacking needle from the inside of the canopy up through the canopy
material and the bracket corner hole, out over the bracket side edge, and back down through the canopy
material to the canopy inside.
5. Repeat the tacking routing to complete the second turn and secure the tacking ends on the canopy inside
with a square knot.
6. Handtack the opposite top corner hole and each of the two bottom corner holes using the procedures in
steps 3. through 5., above.
7. Beginning at the first hole next to a corner tacking point, handtack the applicable bracket side edge by
passing the tacking needle with a length of double ticket No. 8/7 waxed cotton thread from the inside of
the canopy up through the canopy material and the bracket hole, out over the bracket side edge, and
back down through the canopy material to the canopy inside.
8. Direct the tacking needle to the next free hole in the bracket side edge and pass the needle up through
the canopy material and the bracket hole out over the bracket side edge, and back down through the
canopy material to the canopy inside.
9. Move the needle back to the first side edge hole and repeat the procedure in step 7.
10. Further repeat the procedure in step 8., finishing on the canopy inside to complete two turns of tacking
through each hole.
11. Secure the tie ends with a square knot.
12. For making the remaining five double-hole tackings along the bracket side edges, repeat the procedures
in steps 7. through 11.
13. Trim all tie ends to ½-inch.