TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0011 00
0011 00-29
p. Make an overhand knot in each running end.
q. Trim each tie end at a point 2-inches from the surgeons knot and locking knot.
Using the remaining cord length on the reefing line cutter at line 61 near the bag bottom, pass one
end of the cord through the hole in the top of the reefing line cutter arming cable and through the
lower bag grommet to the bag outside.
s. Pass the opposite cord end through the upper bag grommet to the bag outside and draw the cord
ends tight.
Secure the cord ends together on the outside of the bag with a surgeons knot and locking knot.
u. Make an overhand knot in each running end.
v. Trim each tie end at a point 2-inches from the surgeons knot and locking knot.
w. Rigger check number 4.
11. Installing reefing line cutter safety ties. To prevent premature firing of a reefing line cutter while stowing
the suspension lines, install a safety tie on each of the reefing line cutters and remove the safety cotter
pins as follows:
a. Using a length of one turn double, ticket No. 8/7 cotton thread, pass one end of the doubled thread
lengths through the slot in a reefing line cutter bracket, through the hole in top of the reefing line
arming cable, and draw the tie ends tight.
Locking Stow
Cutter at
Line 1
Locking Stow
Cutter at
Line 31
Cutter at
Line 61
Cutter at
Line 91