ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
2-25. Canopy Gore Section (cont).
b. Replacement. Replace a gore section which is damaged beyond repair by fabricating a replacement
section, in accordance with the following procedures.
(1) Inspection. Inspect the canopy in accordance with table 2-1. To determine the extend of canopy
damage, proceed as follows:
(a) Invert the canopy on a repair table and locate the damaged section.
(b) As required, remove or lay aside items that may interfere with the section replacement
process by cuffing the stitching securing the items to the canopy.
(c) Smooth out the damaged gore section and secure surrounding canopy material to the repair
surface by placing pushpins through seams or lateral bands as far above and below the
damaged section as necessary. Insure that all adjacent seams or lateral bands are straight
and the damaged section is not distorted.
(d) Any gore sections that are damaged beyond repair by patching may be replaced individually
by the
Figure 2-110. Normal Gore Section Replacement Details.