ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
2-11. Shakeout and Airing (cont).
(2) Canopy inflation method. The shakeout will be-accomplished by a three-person team, either indoor
within a shakeout room or outdoors at a suitably-sized shakeout area. Each parachute canopy will be inflated
and all debris removed by shaking the canopy thoroughly or by brushing with a dry soft-bristled brush or broom,
as detailed below:
(a) The No. 1 person will position a large pedestal fan at a point 10 feet below the canopy skirt
so the airstrip will partially inflate the canopy.
(b) The No. 2 person will enter the inflated canopy with a broom or fine-bristled brush and sweep
the inside surfaces of accumulated debris (E, figure 2-7).
(c) The No. 1 person will grasp the first available suspension line, holding it high above the head
while holding the next consecutive suspension line with the foot. The No. 3 person on the
outside of the canopy and the No. 2 person on the inside will sweep or brush accumulated
debris from the exposed canopy gore.
(d) As each gore is cleared of debris, the No. 1 person will continue to expose the next
consecutive gore to the sweeping or brushing process until all gores are free of debris.
(e) Once the gore sweeping or brushing process is complete, the No. 2 person will exit the
canopy, shut down the pedestal fan and continue to clear accumulated debris from the
suspension lines and risers.
(f) When all components are free of debris, the No. 1 person will S-fold the canopy, suspension
lines and risers into a deployment bag, while the No. 2 person holds the bag open.
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight will cause extensive damage to fabric
b. Airing. Where dampness and mildew are common, air delivery equipment will be aired more
frequently. Parachutes that have been previously packed or are unpacked, which have been subjected to
conditions of dampness or mildew, will be aired for a period of at least 6 hours prior to being repacked. Air
delivery items may be aired either indoors or outdoors in dry weather. However, fabric items will not be aired in
direct sunlight. Airing may be accomplished by suspending or elevating the applicable item(s) in a manner
which would allow entire exposure to the circulation of air. Outside facilities used for the shakeout of
parachutes may be used for the airing of air delivery equipment if weather conditions permit. If the shakeout
facilities are inadequate for airing, the applicable item(s) may be suspended or elevated at several points or by
draping over suitable objects which would not cause damage.