ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
2-16. Packing the 64-Foot Cargo Parachute, Model G-12D (cont).
(c) At a point 10 feet below the canopy skirt, position a large pedestal fan in a manner which will allow
the fan airstream to partially inflate the canopy.
(d) To fold the first gore of the right gore group, one man passes line 34 to a second (figure 2-19) who
places the line on top of line 33 in the right slot of the line separator. Insure that while placing line 34
into the line separator, the gore between lines 33 and 34 deflates and lies flat in a folded manner.
Figure 2-19. Folding the Right Group of Gores.
(e) Using the procedures in (d) above, fold the remainder of the right gore group, placing lines 33
through 64 in the right slot of the line separator. (figure 2-20).
(f) While holding line 32 in the line separator, pick up the left suspension line group (figure 2-21) and
throw the left group of gores and lines over the folded right group of gores and lines.
(g) To fold the first gore of the left gore group, one man passes line 31 to a second man (figure 2-22)
who places the line on top of line 32 in the left slot of the line separator. During the process of
placing line 31 in the line separator, insure the gore between lines 31 and 32 deflates and lies flat in
a folded manner.
(h) Using the procedures in (g) above, fold the remainder of the left gore group until all the suspension
lines of the left group are in the left slot of the line separator (figure 2-23).