ARMY TM 10-1670-282-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-30-2
Packing the G-14 34-Foot Cargo Parachute (cont).
Using the left hand, raise line 1 to expose the top center gore.
Bring the left hand down to the right, allowing the top center gore to fold over the right gore group. Place line 1
between the right hand thumb and forefinger.
Repeat the procedures in (7) and (8) above for succeeding lines 2 through 15.
(10) Using the left hand, grasp the canopy skirt reinforcement (lower lateral band) at a point 6 inches to the right of line
16. Insert the left elbow under line 16 and gore 16 (figure 2-20). Lower the left arm and allow gore 15 to fold to
the right and gore 16 to fold to the left of the folded gores.
(11) Insert the two suspension line groups into a line separator.
(12) Holding the line separator and the two suspension line groups with the left hand, grasp the canopy with the right
hand and pull the canopy off the right side of the table, allowing all folded gores to drape to the side of the table
(figure 2-21).
(13) Slide the canopy back onto the table and rotate the suspension lines and line separator one-half turn
counterclockwise which will permit the separator base to rest on the table.
(14) Place packing weight on suspension lines next to line separator.
(15) Apply second tension to suspension lines.
(16) Placing the middle finger between the two groups, grasp the top of lower lateral band and separate the left side
from the right side and continue separation of the canopy until you reach the apex.
(17) Fine dress the bottom gores by pulling gently on the left and right sides of the canopy, moving from lower lateral
band to apex.
(18) Dress the top gores by pulling gently to the lower lateral band.
(19) Ensure that there are 16 gores in each gore group.
(20) The canopy is in flatfold (figure 2-22).