TM 10-1670-296-20&P 0002 00
0002 00-4
M-1 Cargo Parachute Release. The M-1 cargo parachute release consists of an arming wire lanyard (1),
arming wire (2), parachute connectors (3), upper load suspension link (4), a timer delay assembly contained
within the release body (5), and lower suspension links (6). A cargo parachute release separates medium
(64-foot diameter G-12) or large (100-foot diameter G-11) cargo parachutes from an air dropped load upon
ground contact. This prevents the dragging or overturning of the load by winds. The M-1 Cargo Parachute
Release is designed for use in the airdrop of loads weighing from 200 to 15,000-pounds (90 to 6,800-kg).
The M-1 release is capable of accommodating three G-11 or two G-12 cargo parachutes. The two lower
suspension links connect to four airdrop platform suspension slings. Cargo parachutes are joined to the M-
1 release by connectors that are held in place by a toggle mechanism. The parachutes separate when the
release body tilts at a critical angle as the suspended load contacts the ground. The mechanical delay
release timer prevents early separation. The timer is activated when the load parachute(s) begin to deploy,
pulling on the arming wire lanyard (1) that is attached to an arming wire (2) installed in the release timer.
The delay release timer, parachute release connector, arming wire,
and arming wire lanyard are interchangeable for use between the M-1
and M-2 airdrop cargo parachute releases.