2-2. Transmitter/Controller (T/C) - Continued
b. .AGU Select/MODE Switches. (See Figure 2-4.)
A (Automatic) Switch. Selects auto homing. Auto homing will he
selected for all AGUs on the same channel by pressing the ALL switch. Alternately,
any number of AGUs up to six may be individually commanded to auto home. The
selected AGUs will be continuously illuminated green, indicating auto homing. Only
AGU numbers that have been preprogrammed will accept command(,s.
ALL. Switch. Used in combination with the A switch or M switch
to select auto homing or manual homing for all AGUs on the same channel.
M (Manual) Switches. Switches the transmission from auto
mode to manual model. Manual may be combined with the ALL switch, in which
case all AGUs will follow the same manual commands. In this mode, the ALL switch
light will be red and flashing. The most common methods, however, is to commands
one specific AGU for manual control. This is accomplished by pressing the specific
AGLI switch, followed by the M switch. The flashing red light will confirm that die
particular AGU is in the manual mode.