TM 10-1670-305-23&P
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Type of Manual: Operators Unit and Direct Support Maintenance Manual (including Repair Parts
and Special Tool List).
Model Numbers and Equipment names:
Automatic Record Release, AR2, Model 451
Test Chamber Assembly, AR2, Model 452
Electronic Test Chamber Assembly, AR2, Model 453
Purpose of Equipment: The Automatic Ripcord Release. Model 451 (hereinafter referred to as
AR2) automatically pulls the ripcord pins on a free falling parachute at a predetermined altitude.
The Test Chamber Assembly, Model 452 and the Electronic Test Chamber Assembly, Model 453
are designed to test the AR2.
Maintainer Qualifications:
A maintainer must be certified by the USA QMC & S at Ft. Lee, VA in order to maintain the
Automatic Ripcord Release, AR2, Model 451, Test Chamber Assembly, AR2, Model 452,
and Electronic Test Chamber Assembly, AR2, Model 453.
Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory Equipment. Department of the Army forms and
procedures used for equipment maintenance will be those prescribed in DA PAM 738-750. The
Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) and DA PAM 738-751, The Army
Maintenance Management System-Aircraft (TAMMLS-A).
Reports of Packaging and Handling Deficiencies. Fill out and forward a Supply Discrepancy
Report (SDR) , formerly known as a Report of Discrepancy (ROD) Standard Form 364 (SF 364)
as prescribed in AR 735-11-2/DLAR 4140.55/SECNAVINST 4355.73A/AFR 400-54/MCO
Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DSR). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Shipment Report
(DSR) Standard Form 361 (SF361) as prescribed in AR 55-38/NAVUSPINST 4610.33C/AFR 75-
18, MCO P4610.19./DLAR 4500.15.
Marine Corps Users-Marine Corps Forms and maintenance procedures used for equipment
maintenance and reporting discrepancy/deficiencies are contained in TM 4700-15/1. Marine
Corps organizations will use their local SOP and TM 4700-15/1 in performance of maintenance,
record keeping, and reports on this equipment.
For Product Quality Deficiency Reports (PQDR), Marine Corps users shall submit a Standard
Form 368 (SF 368) in accordance with MCO 4855.10 to Life Cycle Management Center, ATTN:
Product Support Section 822, 814 Radford Blvd., Albany, GA 31704-0320. A reply will be sent to
You can help improve this manual. If you find a mistake or if you know of a way to improve the
procedures, let us know.
ARMY - Mail DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms), or DA
Form 2028-2 located in the back of this manual directly to: Commander, U.S. Army Soldier
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