TM 9-1370-201-12
2-2. Mk 45 Mod 0
2-1. General Precautions-Mk 45 Mod 0 and Mk 45
a. Preparation for Use.
Mod 0 with Adapter
(1) Remove tape from container, lift top half,
Inadvertent flare function during
and remove flares.
handling could cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to
fuze end of flare.
a. Do not use flares with cracked, dented, or
If safety clip is unseated or missing,
deformed cases.
do not pull lanyard.
b. Removal of fuzes under any circumstances is
(3) Assure that safety clip is in place and
prohibited. Have flares containing damaged fuzes
ejection dial indicator is set on SAFE.
removed by authorized disposal personnel.
(4) Visually inspect flare for damage.
Contact authorized disposal personnel for disposal of
damaged flares.
c. Observe firing temperature limits of +145 F.
and -65F.
If flare is shipped with lanyard
d. Avoid unseating safety clip/pin. If safety clip/pin
attached, simply uncoil lanyard, and
becomes unseated, or is inadvertently removed, replace
proceed to step (7) below. If lanyard
it in aluminum housing before proceeding. If clip/pin is
is not attached, perform steps (5) and
missing and if replacement is unavailable, do not pull
(6) before continuing with step (7).
lanyard or pull cable assembly; turn flare over to
authorized disposal personnel. A pull on lanyard of 30
pounds or a pull on pull cable of 200 pounds can cause
(5) Remove and uncoil lanyard. Remove
fuze to function. If fuze is set at any delay setting, such
lanyard retainer and retain for replacement if flare is not
pull will cause case and candle to separate violently
after the delay; if set on SAFE, fuze will become
(6) Connect coil on end of lanyard to
permanently inoperable.
e. If flare is accidentally ejected on ground, wind
force of 35 knots will cause drogue chute to remove
For launch from aircraft operating
deployment bag and release main parachute. Attempt
below 70 knots indicated airspeed
to keep parachute from opening. Cut shroud lines and
(KIAS), a minimum fuze setting of
dispose of candle tube.
1,000 feet shall be used.
f. If parachute opens accidentally, deflate by
(7) Using forefinger of right hand and thumb
collapsing parachute. Do not hold candle tube. The
of left hand, set ejection dial indicators (C, fig. 2-1) by
parachute could drag unrestrained candle tube without
causing ignition, provided pull on candle does not
spring-loaded detent holds ejection dial indicator at each
exceed 60 pounds, which may actuate candle.
setting and aids in setting fuze in darkness since
engagement of the detent can easily be felt.