TM 10-1670-265-12&P
T.O. 13C7-1-21
2-2. General. While operating the HAARS system the required PMCS shall be followed. PMCS for the G- 12E and the
68-inch pilot chute are listed in TM 10-1670-215-23/T.O. 13C5-1-102. PMCS for the high altitude container are listed in
TM 10-1670-240-20/T.O. 13C7-49-11. PMCS for the center line and ASPSU shall be accomplished in the following
a. BEFORE YOU OPERATE. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your before (B)
b. WHILE YOU OPERATE. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your during (D)
c. AFTER YOU OPERATE. Be sure to perform your after (A) PMCS.
d. IF YOUR ASPSU FAILS TO OPERATE. Turn the unit into supply as unserviceable. Report this action using the
proper forms. See TM 38-750.
2-3. PMCS Procedures.
a. Table 2-2 provides a logical arrangement of maintenance checks and services. The purpose of the PMCS is to
assure you that the ASPSU is operational.
b. PMCS will be performed before, during, and after operation thereby assuring that the center line and ASPSU will
operate when needed; is operating prior to drop; and will be ready to operate when needed for another airdrop.
(1) Item Number. The item number column shall be used as a source of the item number required for the "TM
Number" column on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet when recording the results of
(2) Interval. This column identifies the required PMCS interval.
(3) Item to be inspected. Contains the common name of the item to be inspected.
(4) Procedures. Provides a brief description of the procedure by which the check is to be performed.
(5) Equipment is not ready/available if: This column contains the reason that will cause the equipment to be
classified as not ready/available.