Figure 1-1. High altitude airdrop resupply system (HAARS).Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0007SECTION II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0008Location and description of major components.Location and description of major components. (Continued)TABLE 1-1. EQUIPMENT DATASafety, Care and Handling - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0012SECTION III. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONFunctional description.Functional description. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0015Functional description. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0016Functional description. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0017Functional description. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0018Chapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0019TABLE 2-1. ALTITUDE SENSOR PARACHUTE STAGING UNIT CONTROLSSection II: OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)TABLE 2-2. OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESSECTION III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0023Operating proceduresSetting altitudeHAARS placed in standby condition.Chapter 3. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSChapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0028 Installation instructions.SECTION III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Section VI: MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES FOR 57-FOOT-LONG CENTER LINECenter line - ServiceCLEANINGCLEANING (Cont)RepairCenter line - ReplaceREMOVALINSTALLATIONSection VII. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES FOR ALTITUDE SENSOR PARACHUTE STAGING UNIT (ASPSU)ASPSU - TestTESTING TESTING (Cont)TESTING (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0043TESTING (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0044TESTING (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0045TESTING (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0046TESTING (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0047LOW PRESSURE READINGHIGH PRESSURE READINGASPSU test shutdown. - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0050Destructive test procedure.ASPSU test preparation.ASPSU test preparation (Cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0053ASPSU test preparation (Cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0054Testing.Testing (Cont).ASPSU test shutdown. - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0057ASPSU - ALINEALINEMENTASPSU alinement preparation.ASPSU alinement preparation (Cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0061ASPSU alinement preparation (Cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0062ASPSU alinement check.ASPSU Alinement.ASPSU Alinement (Cont).ASPSU alinement shutdown.Test set shutdown.ASPSU - ServiceASPSU -ReplaceINSPECTION - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0070Section VIII. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES FOR G-12E 64-FOOT-DIAMETER CARGO PARACHUTEG-12E - SERVICE Servicing the canopy ventAttaching center line to canopy vent lines.Applying tension - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0075Folding the gores.Folding the gores (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0077Folding the gores (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0078Folding the gores (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0079Folding the gores (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0080Folding the gores (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0081Effecting canopy vent pull-down.Effecting canopy vent pull-down (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0083Effecting canopy vent pull-down (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0084Tying the canopy, suspension lines, and center line.Tying the canopy, suspension lines, and center line. (cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0086Tying the canopy, suspension lines, and center line. (cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0087Tying the connector link assemblies.Tying the connector link assemblies. (Cont)Deployment Bag Alteration,Deployment Bag Alteration, (Cont)Stowing the canopy.Stowing the canopy (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0093Stowing the canopy (cont). - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0095Stowing the suspension lines, center line, and risers.Stowing the suspension lines, center line, and risers. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0097Stowing the suspension lines, center line, and risers. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0098Stowing the suspension lines, center line, and risers. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0099Stowing the suspension lines, center line, and risers. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0100Stowing the suspension lines, center line, and risers. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0101Stowing the suspension lines, center line, and risers. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0102Stowing the suspension lines, center line, and risers. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0103Closing the deployment bag.Closing the deployment bag (cont).Securing the bag closing flap loops.Securing the bag closing flap loops. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0107Securing the bag closing flap loops. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0108Securing the bag closing flap loops. (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0109Army parachute log record.Section IX. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTShipping Between Maintenance Activities.Appendix A: REFERENCES - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0113Appendix A: REFERENCES (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0114Appendix B: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0115Explanation of Columns in the MAC, SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR HIGH ALTITUDE AIRDROP RESUPPLY SYSTEM (HAARS)SECTION IV. REMARKS - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0118Appendix C: REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTRecoverability Code - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0120How to Locate Repair Parts.SECTION II. REPAIR PARTS LISTFigure C-2. Altitude sensor parachute staging unit.Figure C-3. G-12E 64-foot-diameter cargo parachute.SECTION III. SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSECTION IV. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEXAppendix D: EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSECTION II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTINDEX - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0129INDEX (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0130INDEX (Cont) - TM-10-1670-265-12-P0131TM-10-1670-265-12-P Tools List for High Altitude Airdrop Resupply System: 2 000 Pound Capacity Manual