TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0026 00
0026 00-2
2. Tie ends of thread together on inside of pack at each tacking point with a surgeons knot and a
locking knot. Cut off free ends of thread 1-inch from knot.
3. If the connector snap is not provided with a safety pin hole, drill a 3/32-inch hole through sides of snap
guard according to details shown. If safety pin will not fit in hole provided, enlarge the hole by using a
no. 24 (.152-inch) high-speed bit.
1. Replace connector snap for the T-10R as follows:
a. Lay out parachute on repair table. Cut and remove tacking that holds snaps to pack.
b. Cut and remove spreader bar from both connector snaps, being careful not to cut suspension
lines or pack fabric.
c. Obtain serviceable connector snap from stock.
d. If an adequate safety-pin hole is not provided in snap guard of connector snap, either drill a hole
or enlarge the hole as described in the REPAIR section, step 3., above.
e. Wrap the upper half of the eye at the top of the connector snap with adhesive tape.
Cut zig-zag stitching on free ends of suspension lines, being careful not to cut, snag, or fray the
lines. Untie knots, remove the lines from snap one at a time, and install on new snap.
g. Install suspension lines in accordance with procedures in WP 0042 00.
h. Tack connector snap to pack following procedures in the REPAIR section, steps 1 and 2, above.
Fabricate and install a new spreader bar in accordance with WP 0027 00.
2. Replace connector snap for the MIRPS by repeating procedures listed in paragraph 1, above.
3. Replacement of connector snap for the MIRPS as follows:
a. Layout parachute on repair table. Unsnap the lift-the-dot-fastener and remove the pack tray.
b. Repeat procedures Replace Connector Snap for the T-10R (steps 1b through 1i) as listed