TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0002 00
0002 00-2
Pilot Chute. The pilot chute assists in the deployment of the parachute canopy by serving as an air
anchor. The two types of pilot chutes are as follows:
The T-10R. This pilot chute consist of a 3-foot 4-inch diameter octagonal canopy constructed from 1.1-
ounce ripstop nylon parachute cloth, eight nylon suspension lines, and a spring activated umbrella type
opening frame with four frame ribs. The canopy is reinforced with four panel reinforcements across the
diameter on the inside of the panels and by a strip binding that encircles the skirt down to the connector
loop and up to the opposite side of the canopy skirt. The suspension lines are stitched together near the
lowest point to form the connector loop. The connector loop is used for attaching the pilot chute to the
main parachute canopy by means of the bridle line. The opening frame is positioned on the inside of the
canopy. The four frame ribs are secured in four frame rib pockets either by zig-zag stitching or by hand
tacking. A manually operated ripcord releases the spring activated pilot chute.