TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0008 00
0008 00-3/(4 Blank)
6. When all components are free of debris, the no. 2 person will slowly lower canopy while the no. 1
person S-folds suspension lines into the pack, or parachute bag, as applicable. After the suspension
lines have been completely folded, the no. 1 person will accordion-fold canopy length on top of folded
7. As the canopy folding is being completed, the no. 1 person disconnects the canopy vent from the
pulley rope snap. Secure the folded canopy assembly for further handling.
Where dampness and mildew are prevalent, air delivery equipment will be aired at frequent intervals
according to the severity of the prevailing conditions. Parachutes that have been previously packed or
are unpacked, which have been subjected to conditions of dampness or mildew, will be aired for a period
of at least 6 hours prior to being repacked. Air delivery items may be aired either indoors or outdoors in
dry weather. However, fabric items will not be aired in direct sunlight. Airing may be accomplished by
suspending or elevating the applicable item(s) in a manner which would allow entire exposure to the
circulation of air. Outside facilities used for the shakeout of parachutes may be used for the airing of air
delivery equipment if weather conditions permit. If the shakeout facilities are inadequate for airing, the
applicable item(s) may be suspended or elevated at several points or by draping over suitable type
objects which would not cause damage.
Suspension Lines