ARMY TM 10-1670-271-23&P
AIR FORCE TO 14D1-2-464-2
(6) Pull loops close enough together to have an opening between loops of approximately 2 Inches in
diameter. Tie webbing with a surgeon's knot and a locking knot, making tie between right side flap
and lower-end flap closing loops. Cut webbing approximately 2-inches from knot. Keep remaining
lengths for next connector links ties (figure 2-61).
(7) Using a packing paddle, insert flaps and dress pack The pack tray is now closed (figure 2-62).
n. Stowing the Static Line. After the pack tray is dressed, stow the static line as follows.
Install three rubber retainer bands on the left and right static line retainer band
keepers with a girth hitch.
(1) Rotate the pack tray a quarter-turn counterclockwise. Make the first static line stow on the right side
of the pack, securing the stow with two turns of a rubber retainer band. Alternate stows from right to
left, making three stows on the right and two stows on the left (figure 2-63).
(2) Fold remaining static line in half, and rotate it a quarter-turn counterclockwise. Pass the folded end
through the static line slack retainer. After hooking the static line snap hook to the static line pack
opening loop, pass the folded end under the stowed line. Pull the static line taut, and slip the folded
end of the line under the lower end flap (A, figure 2-64).
The following is an alternate method for completing the static line stow.
(3) After making the static line stows described in step (1), above, stow the running end of the static line
as follows (B, figure 2-64):
(a) Double the remaining static line length and rotate the doubled length one-quarter turn
(b) Connect the static line snap hook to either the static line pack opening loop or the pack left-
side retainer band keeper.
(c) Pass the folded end of the static line through the static line slack retainer at the pack upper
end, under the stowed line toward the pack lower end, and draw the doubled line taut.
(d) Insert the static line folded end under the pack lower end flap.