ARMY TM 10-1670-271-23&P
AIR FORCE TO 14D1-2-464-2
2-16. Packing the T-10B Parachute (CONT).
(g) Inspector's name. The inspector who has performed the pack-in-process inspection will sign
this entry.
(h) Unit. Enter the unit designation to which the packer and/or inspector are assigned.
(3) Return the log record to the log record pocket upon completion of the entries Packing is now
p. Static Line Extension. A 5-foot static line extension is required when jumping the CH-46 and
CH-53 helicopters The static line extension will be attached and stowed as follows.
(1) Attach the 5-foot extension to a 15-foot static line by attaching the snap hook on the static line to the
ring on the extension Insert and bend safety pin (figure 2-66).
Figure 2-66. Attaching 5-Foot Static Line Extension.