TM 10-1670-272-23&P 0032 00
0032 00-17/(18 Blank)
g. Beginning at a point 1¾-inches back from where the panel webbing passes around the adapter
center bar, spread the webbing loose ends to form a 3½-inch width, as shown below. Secure the
formed panel webbing by stitching; use a light-duty sewing machine, size E nylon thread, 7 to 11
stitches per inch.
h. Position the fabricated adjuster panel in the original location on the pack tray; secure the panel to
the pack tray main panel using a heavy-duty sewing machine, size 3 nylon thread, and 5 to 8
stitches per inch.
10. Waistband extension. Refer to TM 10-1670-299-20&P.