ARMY TM 10-1670-275-23&P
AIR FORCE TO 13C5-25-2
4 Using a household-type electric iron with heat regulated for cotton material, apply heat and pressure
simultaneously to patch material for at least 30 seconds. Insure that all of patch material is
subjected to heat and pressure, and that all edges of patch have adhered to canopy material. Also
insure that temperature of iron remains constant during patch application effort and that no other part
of canopy is underneath area being patched.
(4) Restenciling. As required, restencil identification markings using procedures in paragraph 2-19.
b. Replacement. When replacing gore sections, use 3.8 ounce cotton muslin cloth of same color as that
being replaced. If the same color cloth is not available, another color may be used. When replacing section 1
of gore 1, restencil gore number and information data block on replacement section. For other gores, stencil
gore numbers as necessary using procedures in paragraph 2-19. A gore section which is damaged beyond
repair will be replaced as follows:
(1) Gore section 1.
(a) Cut a piece of 3.8 ounce cotton muslin cloth 2-112 inches longer and 1-1/2 inches wider than
original gore section (figure 2-45).
Figure 2-45. Gore Section One, Replacement Details.