ARMY TM 10-1670-276-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-29-2
2-13. Inspection.
This task covers
Routine Inspection
In-storage Inspection
Pack-In-Process Inspection
Equipment Dispositlon
c. Technical-Rigger Type Inspection
Equipment Condition
a. Routine Inspection. .A routine inspection Is a visual check performed to ascertain the serviceability of all
visible components of a parachute that is packed or rigged for use. The inspection will be made on all
components that can be inspected without opening the parachute pack. This inspection will be administered by a
parachute rigger prior to use. Parachutes Issued for an air delivery operation and not deployed will receive a
routine inspection prior to being placed into ready-for-issue storage.
b. Pack-in-Process Inspection. A pack-in-process Inspection Is performed at specified Intervals during the
packing of a parachute to insure that only authorized procedures and methods are being used. The inspection will
be accomplished by a parachute rigger other than the packer or rigger preparing the applicable equipment for use.
The intervals at which the Inspection Is performed Is as follows:
(1) After the parachute Is placed In proper layout.
(2) After gores are folded and flatfold Is completed.
(3) After canopy is longfolded.
(4) After canopy is stowed.
(5) After suspension lines are stowed.
(6) After parachute Is completely packed.
c. Technical/Rigger-Type Inspection Procedures.
(1) Overall inspection An overall Inspection will be made on the 26-foot cargo parachute to ascertain the
(a) Log record/parachute inspection data pocket and form. As applicable, Inspect the assembly log
record/parachute Inspection data pocket to insure the Army Parachute Log Record (DA Form 10-42 or 3912) is
enclosed and properly attached as prescribed in paragraph 2-4e. Further, remove the log record from the pocket
and evaluate the recorded entries to Insure compliance with paragraph 2-4e.
(b) Assembly completeness. Ensure that the applicable assembly is complete and no components or parts
are missing.