ARMY TM 10-1670-276-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-29-2
Completing the Pack.
(1) Stow the static line by forming the first stow at the upper left corner of the deployment bag and secure the stow
with a double wrap of the rubber retainer band attached to the static line retaining strap.
Make the first stow and each succeeding stow to extend 2 inches beyond the outer
edges of the static line retaining straps Secure all stows with a double wrap of the rubber
retainer bands.
(2) Form the second static line stow at the upper-right corner of the bag and secure the slow with a rubber retainer
band as in (1), above.
(3) Continue stowing the remaining static line length from left to right alternately until the line is completely stowed
and secured (figure 2-34).
(4) Remove log record (DA Form 10-42 or DA Form 3912) from the parachute inspection data pocket (log record
pocket) located on the riser.
(5) Make entries on the "Jump, Inspection and Repack Data" page as follows:
(a) Date. Enter the day, month and year of each packing action.
(b) Bag number. Indicate whether breakaway or non-breakaway static line attachment.
(c) Routine inspection. No entry required.
(d) Jumps or dropped. No entry required.
(e) Repack. For Initial packing, enter "IN", there after, enter a checkmark in the column each time the parachute
is repacked.
Packer's name. The packer performing the packing will sign this entry.
(g) Inspector's name. The inspector who has performed the pack-in process inspection will sign this entry.
(h) Unit. Enter the unit designation to which the packer and/or inspector are assigned.
(6) Return the log record to the log record pocket upon completion of the entries.
(7) Extend risers and clevis across the stowed static line toward the upper edge of bag and fold the clevis back
against the extended risers.
(8) Using two 10-inch lengths of 1/4-inch wide, Type I cotton webbing, make a first temporary tie using a bow knot to
secure the clevis body to the deployment bag main strap attaching loop. At a point near the clevis screw, make
a second temporary tie using a bow knot to secure the clevis body to the two risers (figure 2-35).