TM 10-1670-277-23&P 0024 00
0024 00-2
d. To splice a skirt reinforcement (lower lateral band) damaged between two radial tapes, cut a length of
1-inch wide tubular nylon webbing long enough to extend 4-inches beyond the radial tapes on each
side of the damaged area and sear the ends.
e. If the damage extends into a radial tape, cut a length of 1-inch wide nylon tape long enough to extend
4-inches beyond the radial tapes located on each side of the damaged radial tape and sear the ends.
Center the splice material over the damaged area and secure the splice by stitching four rows of
stitching lengthwise along the full length of the splice. Overstitch each end of the splice material by
½-inch. Stitching will be made with a heavy-duty sewing machine and size 3, nylon thread, 5 to 8
stitches per inch.
g. Reinstall the applicable pocket bands and suspension line attaching loops, refer to WP 0025 00 and
WP 0026 00 for more details.