ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
Deployment Bag Inspection Data Pocket.
This task covers:
a. Repair
b. Replace
Equipment Condition:
Knife, Item 1, Appendix B
Inspected, Paragraphs 2-9, 2-13
Sewing Machine, Medium Duty, Item 15,
Cleaned, Paragraph 2-12
Appendix B
Laid out on work table
Sewing Machine, Zig-Zag, Item 13, Appendix B
Thread, Nylon, Size E, Items 27128,
Group No. 02, MAC, Section II,
Appendix D
Appendix B
Personnel Required:
43E(10) Parachute Rigger
a. Repair. Repair an inspection data pocket as follows:
Stitch and restitch with size E nylon thread which matches the color of original stitching, when possible. Lock all
straight stitching by backstitching at least 112-inch. Restitch directly over the original stitching, following original stitch
pattern as closely as possible.
b. Replacement. Replace a missing or unserviceable parachute inspection data pocket (log record pocket) as
follows (figure 2-62):
(1) Position parachute inspection data pocket on bottom of deployment bag with pocket bottom edge squared
with end slot reinforcement.
(2) Secure pocket along the two sides and the bottom with a medium-duty sewing machine. Stitching will be 7 to
11 stitches per inch using size E nylon thread.