ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
Deployment Bag Retainer Band Keeper Reinforcement.
(5) Fold loose edge binding back and secure webbing length over original reinforcement by stitching a box-stitch
formation, 118-inch in from each edge, full length of webbing, using a medium-duty sewing machine.
Stitching will be 7 to 11 stitches per inch, with size FF nylon thread.
(6) Reposition flap edge binding in original location, restitch binding according to paragraph 2-18, using the
specifics in table 2-3. Lock stitching ends by 3/4-inch.
(7) Turn flap to locate flap inside facing up and reposition retainer band keeper in original location. Secure
keeper by restitching according to original construction details and using the specifics in table 2-3.
Figure 2-63. Retainer Band Keeper Reinforcement Replacement Details.