ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
2-16. Packing the 15-Foot Cargo Extraction Parachute (cont).
Inspection. If defects or damages are discovered during inspection of a parachute, the parachute must be rigger-
rolled and processed for maintenance in accordance with TM 10-1670201-23 and TB 750-126. A rigger type inspection
and a pack-in-process inspection must be performed in conjunction with each packing of a parachute (refer to para 2-13).
Rigger-type inspection. Before each parachute is packed for air delivery, it must be given a rigger-type
Inspection by the packer in accordance with paragraph 2-13 above.
Pack-in-process inspection. A pack-in-process inspection must be performed by a designated supervisory
rigger, other than the packer, at seven intervals during the packing procedure. The inspection is performed
to assure that the parachute is packed according to authorized packing procedures. (Refer to para 2-13).
Orientation. Throughout this manual, all directions (right, left, upper, lower, top, bottom, clockwise, and
counterclockwise) are given from the rigger's point of view, as the rigger stands at the tension plate end of the packing
table facing the apex-hook end of the table (figure 2-9).
Top, that portion of the equipment that is farthest from the packing table surface.
Bottom, that portion of the equipment that is nearest to the packing table surface.
Preparing Parachute for Proper Layout. Prepare the parachute as follows: (1) If components of the parachute
assembly are detached, assemble the parachute during layout in accordance with paragraph 2-8. Place packing tools in
convenient locations on the packing table. Lay the canopy assembly lengthwise on the packing table, and attach the
canopy to the packing table apex hook (figure 2-10).
Attach the connector links to the tension plate and apply enough tension to keep the canopy on the table.
Check vent lines to determine if the canopy is Inverted. If the vent lines do not appear attached to the
outside of the upper lateral band, the canopy is inverted.