ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
Figure 2-16. Line 1 and 16 Checked at Connector Link.
Folding the Gores. Fold canopy gores as follows:
Dress apex (figure 2-17), apply tension to canopy.
Pick up right group of suspension lines with left hand. Using right hand to hold top center gore in position,
flip right group of gores over left group of gores (figure 2-18).
Using left hand, pick up line 9 at canopy skirt and place line between thumb and forefinger of right hand.
Move line to right edge of table, and fold right group of gores (A, figure 2-19).
Using the right hand, scissor right group of suspension lines between middle and forefingers. Rotate right
hand one-quarter turn clockwise (B, figure 2-19).
Beginning with line 1, fold left group of gores, do not fold last two gores in this group.