ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
Using a doubled length of thread, size 8/7 make right bag dosing tie by passing one end of thread through
right bottom bag dosing loop from left to right, under extraction line or adapter web, as applicable, through
right side bag grommet, inside to out, through right bag closing loop from right to left, secure ends together
over extraction line or adapter web, as applicable, with a surgeon's knot and a locking knot.
Pull bag opening safety loop up over bent V-ring. Secure safety loop by passing the pendulum line running
end through the V of bent V-ring, draw the pendulum line tight, make additional loops between V-rings as
required and secure pendulum line with a half-hitch (figure 2-30).
Figure 2-30. Bag Opening Safety Loop and Pendulum Line Secure.
Attaching the Extraction Line.
Prior to attaching an extraction line to adapter web of a 15-foot diameter extraction parachute, it must be
determined what extraction line is required for operational commitments.
Attaching the extraction line will be accomplished in accordance with procedures outlined in FM 10-500-2.
Change 2 2-45