ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
4 Using 2.25 ounce nylon cloth, mark and cut a patch 2 1/2-inches wider and longer than inside
measurements of prepared hole. Insure patch material is marked and cut along warp or filling of
5 Center patch material over prepared hole and insure warp or filling of patch material matches warp
or filling of fabric being patched. Pin patch material in position.
6 Make 1/2 inch foldunder on each edge of patch material and baste patch to prepared area. Basting
will be performed using procedures in paragraph 2-18a.
7 Remove pushpins securing item to the repair table and secure patch by stitching, using a light duty
sewing machine and size E nylon thread, and the applicable details in figure 2-39. Make first row of
stitching completely around patch. Invert canopy and make a second row of stitching around
prepared hole. Stitching will be 7 to 11 stitches per inch.
8 Replace items removed for miscellaneous patch, as required, in accordance with applicable item
(4) Restenciling. As required, restencil identification markings using procedures in paragraph 2-20.
Replacement of gore panels can be accomplished only at the intermediate
maintenance level, in accordance with the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC),
Appendix B.
b. Replacement. When replacing gore sections, use 2. 25 ounce nylon parachute cloth of same color as that
being replaced. If the same color cloth is not available, another color may be used. When replacing section 1 of gore 1,
restencil gore number and information data block on replacement section. For other gores, stencil gore numbers as
necessary using procedures in paragraph 2-20. A gore section which is damaged beyond repair will be replaced as
(1) Gore panel replacement.
(a) Invert canopy and locate damaged gore.
(b) Remove items which may interfere with gore panel replacement by cutting stitching, lay items aside.