ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
(c) Smooth out and secure surrounding canopy material to table with pushpins. Insure adjacent lateral
and radial webbings are straight and damaged gore panel is not distorted.
(d) Remove damaged gore panel by cutting material at a point 112-inch in from adjacent webbing or
edge (figure 2-40).
(e) Cut remaining material diagonally at each corner. Fold each raw edge back by ½ inch. Pin and
baste (para 2-18) to complete area preparation.
(f) Cut a piece of 2.25 ounce nylon cloth to a size that will cover the entire prepared area. Maintain
the selvaged edge of the cloth piece, if possible. Allow at least 3 inches of extra fabric to remain
on each raw edge.
(g) Fold under selvaged edge of the cloth piece to a width equal to the width of adjacent seam and
aline the cloth folded edge with the outside edge of adjacent seam or lateral band. Secure the
folded edge with push pins.
(h) Fold the raw edges of the cloth piece as follows:
1 Fold under the raw edges located adjacent to edge reinforcements and a lateral band, as
applicable, and aline the folded edges with the outside edges of the reinforcements on band.
Secure these folds with push pins.
2 Fold under the raw edges located along the radial seams and aline the folded edges with the
outside edges of the radial seams. Secure this fold with push pins.
(i) Secure the replacement section cloth to the canopy material by basting along each of the folded
edges. Basting will be made in accordance with para. 2-18.
(j) Remove the push pins from the edges of the replacement section and secure the section material
to the canopy inside using a light duty sewing machine and size E, nylon thread. Stitching will be 7
to 11 stitches per inch.
(k) Turn the canopy right side out and trim the raw edges of the section material to a point 1/2 inch
from the stitching made in (j) above.
(I) On the canopy outside, using a light duty sewing machine and size E, nylon thread, stitch
completely around the prepared area. Stitching will be 7 to 11 stitches per inch.
(m) Remove basting, reinvert canopy to outside.
(n) Restore Items removed in (b) above. Refer to applicable paragraph for detailed instruction.