TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0012 00
0012 00-39
a. Using a length of one turn double, ticket No. 8/7 cotton thread, pass one end of the doubled thread
through the slot in each reefing line cutter bracket, through the hole in the top of the reefing line
arming cable, and draw the tie ends tight.
b. Secure the safety tie with a surgeons knot and locking knot.
c. Trim tie ends to 2-inches.
d. The senior packer will annotate each cutter tag with the reefing line cutter lot number/serial number
and parachute pack date. After these entries have been made, the senior packer will sign each tag.
Failure to remove the cutter cotter pins will cause malfunction of
the parachute.
e. Remove the safety cotter pin and tag from each reefing line cutter. Fold the tags lengthwise and stow
safety pins and tags in the parachute inspection data pocket within the log record book.
22. Closing the nylon deployment bag.
a. Bring the suspension lines and center line up over the top of the deployment bag and close the side
b. Cut an 18-inch length of ¼-inch type I cotton webbing and girth hitch the webbing length in the
deployment bag top center loop strap.
Reefing Line Cutter
Safety Tie