TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0012 00
0012 00-45
g. Rigger check number 6.
28. Log record book entries.
The inspector MUST ensure that the reefing line cutter tag entries match
those made in the log record book. Inspect the cutter tags for the
current date and verify that the signature on the tags is that of the senior
packer of the parachute.
The log record book must be modified for use on the G-11C cargo
parachute. On the Jump, Inspection and Repack Data page, change
BAG NUMBER to LOT/SER NUMBER. Senior packers signature
MUST be legible.
a. Remove the log record (DA Form 3912, AFTO 391, and Navy WPNCEN or Navy WPNS CL
13512/11) from the parachute inspection data pocket (log record book pocket) located on the riser.
b. Make entries on the Jump, Inspection and Repack Data page as follows:
Date. Enter the pack day, month, and year.
Lot/Ser Number. Enter the lot number or serial number of the reefing line cutters that are being
used for this repack.
Routine inspection. No entry required.
Jumps or dropped. No entry required.
Repack. For initial packing, enter IN; thereafter, enter a checkmark in the column each time
the parachute is repacked.
Packers Name. The senior packer will place his or her signature in this column.
Inspectors Name. The inspector who performed the pack-in-process inspection will sign this
Unit. Enter the unit designation to which the packer and/or inspector are assigned.
c. Return the log record book with four (4) cotter pins and tags to the log record book pocket upon
completion of all required entries.
d. Route the log record pocket tie cord through the closing loops at the bottom of the pocket and secure
the tie cord ends with a square knot.
Stow riser extension in accordance with FM 4-20.102 (FM 10-500-2).