TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0007 00
0007 00-3
e. After suspension lines have been cleared, No. 1 and 2 personnel may hold or temporarily secure
pulley rope while No. 3 and 4 personnel proceed to clear debris from other parachute components.
When all components are free of debris, No. 1 and 2 personnel will slowly lower canopy while No. 3
and 4 personnel S-folds suspension lines and risers into deployment bag.
g. After suspension lines and risers have been completely folded, No. 1 and 2 personnel will accordion-
fold canopy length on top of folded lines.
h. As canopy folding is being completed, No. 1 and 2 personnel disconnects canopy vent from pulley
rope snap. Secure folded canopy assembly for further handling.
2. Canopy inflation method. The shakeout will be accomplished by a three-person team, either indoors
within a shakeout room or outdoors at a suitably-sized shakeout area. Each parachute canopy will be
inflated and all debris removed by shaking the canopy thoroughly or by brushing with a dry soft-bristled
brush or broom, as detailed below:
a. The No. 1 person will position a large pedestal fan at a point 10-feet below the canopy skirt so the air-
stream will partially inflate the canopy.
S-Fold Lines
and Risers