TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0011 00
0011 00-15
g. Beginning with line 62, one packer passes each line in the right group to a second packer who
threads the right running end of the reefing line through each reefing ring. After each reefing ring is
threaded, the second packer will use a leg to guide the suspension line into the right slot of the line
separator. Continue the gore folding process until lines 61 through 90 are reefed and in the right slot
of the line separator and the gores between each line are folded.
h. Stop the gore folding and from right to left, pass the end of the reefing line through the reefing line
cutter at line 91 and pull 6-inches through.
Pass one end of the second reefing line, from left to right, through the hole in the reefing line cutter at
line 91 and pull 6-inches through.
Secure the two reefing line ends together over the reefing line cutter at line 91 with a surgeons knot
and locking knot. Make an overhand knot in each running end. Trim each tie end at a point 2-inches
from the surgeons knot and locking knot.