ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
Parachute Inspection Data Pocket (Log Record Pocket).
This task covers:
Equipment Condition:
Sewing Machine, Light-Duty, Item 16, Appendix B
Cleaned, paragraph 2-12
Sewing Machine, Zig-Zag, Item 17, Appendix B
Inspected, paragraph 2-9, 2-13
Tacking Needle, Item 9, Appendix B
Laid out on work surface
Thread, Nylon, Size E, Item 39/40, Appendix D
Thread, Cotton, Ticket No. 8/7, Item 38,
Appendix D
All inspection data pockets that are located on the bridle loop shall be removed
and relocated to a riser. Pocket shall be located 1 ½ inches above the keeper at
the clevis attaching loop. This may be accomplished during repack cycle.
a. Repair.
(1) Restitching. Stitchh and restitch with size E nylon thread which matches the color or original
stitching. Lock all straight stitching by backstitching at least ½ inch. Restitch directly over the original stitching,
following original stitch pattern as closely as possible, according to the specifics in table 2-3.
(2) Retacking. As required, retack a parachute inspection data pocket to a riser as directed in the note
above. Retacking will be performed using a tacking needle and two turns of double, ticket no. 8/7 waxed cotton
thread at each tacking point.
b. Replacement. Replace an unserviceable or missing parachute inspection data pocket with a
serviceable item from stock. Tack in place at original tacking points using the specifics in a., above.