ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
2-42. Deployment Bag Panels, Flaps and Cover.
This task covers: Repair
Materials/Parts (cont):
Sewing Machine, Medium-Duty, Item 19, Appendix B
Marking Aid, Item 25/26, Appendix D
Sewing Machine, Darning, Item 20, Appendix B
Ink, Marking, Item 18, Appendix D
Brush, Stenciling, Item 2, Appendix B
Cloth, Nylon, Duck, Type III, Item 7, Appendix D
Shears, Item 14, Appendix B
Yardstick, Item 24, Appendix B
Equipment Condition:
Cleaned, paragraph 2-12
Inspected, paragraph 2-9, 2-13
Thread, Nylon, Size E, Item 39/40, Appendix D
Laid out on work table
Thread, Nylon, Size 3, Item 42/43, Appendix D
(1) Restitching. Restitch broken or loose stitching according to original construction details and the
specifics in paragraph 2-19, using a medium-duty sewing machine and size 3 nylon thread, 5 to 8 stitches per
(2) Restencil. As required, restencil identification marks using the procedures in paragraph 2-21.
(3) Darning. Darn a hole or tear which does not exceed 3/4 inch in length or diameter and which is
accessible using the procedures in paragraph 2-19, and a darning sewing machine with size E nylon thread.
There is no limit to the number of times a flap or panel may be darned.
(4) Patching. Patch a hole or tear which exceeds 3/4 inch in length or diameter using the procedures in
paragraph 2-19, the specifics in table 2-3, and the following patching criteria:
(a) Bag body. There is no limit to the number or size of patches that may be applied to the deployment
bag body. However, each damaged area must be accessible and there must be at least 1 1/4 inches of
undamaged material remaining on all sides of the affected area. Patch material will be of type III, 7.25-ounce
nylon duck cloth. Proceed as follows:
Smooth fabric around the damaged area, and secure with pushpins. Do not pin damaged area.
Using a marking aid of contrasting color, mark a square or rectangle around the area to be
patched and ensure one side of marked square or rectangle is parallel to warp or filling of
Cut damaged area fabric along lines made in 2, above. Further cut fabric diagonally at each
corner to allow a 1/2-inch foldback in raw edges.
Make a 1/2-inch foldback on each raw edge. Pin and baste each foldback to complete prepared
hole. Basting will be performed using procedures in paragraph 2-19a.